Monday, January 18, 2010

E- Learning Assessment Week 2 Blog

Week 2 E-assessment blog

Learning notes from reading
The background reading for this week referred to Measurement as a mean to Assessment and Assessment is a to evaluate.

Educational use of blogs -sharing, reflection, debate, and collaboration.
Downsides of blogs- biased, inaccuracies, volatile .

In E-Learning for Educators, the instructor provided the cons and cons of each new online tool option we were asked to use. Explaining the pros and cons provided new users a comfort feeling when signing up for so many new online tools/sites.

Aha moments
My son tells me I pronounce the word Blog incorrectly and need to say Blowg vs Blog.

I have been struggling with the fact that traditional assessment has served some purpose and how does it fit in. These paragraphs from Assessing Student Learning Online: It’s More Than Multiple Choice By Elizabeth Reed Osika, PhD provide insight to the use of traditional assessments.
Use multiple-choice or other objective questions to assess information that provides a foundation for the course, the information they will have to use later to demonstrate their understanding through an authenticate assessment. For example, use a multiple-choice test to make sure the student has read the assigned chapter or at least looked at the page in the chapter to find the appropriate answer. This allows the instructor the opportunity to make sure that each student is familiar with the most important aspects in the text.
If you choose to use objective assessments as a primary assessment strategy in your course, assume your students will use their books and discuss the concepts with friends and write your questions accordingly. In fact, encourage students to use all relevant resources to complete a test, as this best reflects what occurs in real life.

I have to give some deep thought about encouraging students to use all relevant resources when assessing. I know this is the traditional assessment strategy rearing its ugly head, but it is difficult for me to say, ok everyone work together on the final. Just as kids are given resources such as notes for a test. Are we assessing their ability to write down what they don't know on the note sheet, or assessing what they have learned?

Edits to original posts are not easily tracked. I have added information three times to this post, and the post is still marked as 1/18.

Collaboration notes
Viewing others blogs, I noticed some are easy to follow and some are very busy and difficult to find what you want to look at. After looking at others blogs using the same provider, I knew I had to investigate more about how to change how my blog looked and could information without making it look to busy.

I also could see the benefits of using a blog vs. a discussion board. The discussion board seemed very formal and difficult to follow see and follow the discussion. The blog was easier to look and had other information available to click on.

I have gone out and entered comments on several individuals' blog, but can not see the comment showing up because the moderator has not approved the comment. The moderator tool is a great way to manage what is posted on your blog, but also reduces the open conversations because it is dependent on when the moderator accepts the comments.


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