Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Week 5 Taxonomy of Assessment

I see more and more "opportunities" with authenticity. I was pleased the readings this week highlighted specific ways to increase authenticity and decrease the opportunity for plagiarism. "The use of a range of assessment methods reduces or minimizes the problem of authentication." Hyde 2004. Threats of plagiarism are more likely to evaporate as the assessment taxonomy levels increase. Third party evidence can also sometimes be used and authentic workplace demonstration. "When assessment plans require teamwork, integration of concepts, authentic presentations, and realistic and immediate application, there is less chance of unethical behavior. Additionally, instructors who design progressive assessment requiring that pieces build toward a final project are less likely to face the challenges of unethical behavior."(lecture notes).

http://edorigami.wikispaces.com/Bloom This website provides ideas for Bloom's taxonomy digitally.

I found the assignment of taking the in-class activities and matching it Bloom's taxonomy challenging. I found many of the activities falling into multiple levels.

I liked the simple ABCD for writing objectives extremely helpful. A= Audience, B= Behavior, C= Condition, and D = Degree of accuracy .

An example of Bloom's Taxonomy applied to a Journalism class can be found on my home page under the tab Blog for E-Assessments. http://sites.google.com/site/kimhollmanelearningportfolio/

Ah Ha Moments
The Diigo site I set up last semester with favorite URLs has proven to be very helpful. The ABCD objective writing will also be helpful. Regardless if a class is online or not, I want to try to start using more "technology" related assessments. Using technology is a skill set all students need to be come comfortable with.

Class Discussions
Sometimes it is difficult to open documents. I enjoyed looking at how other people turned in classroom assignments to online assessments. The assignment seemed so clear, yet everyone did it a little differently. With online instruction, providing an example is beneficial because you can not read the body language if the class is confused. At the same time, providing an example may limit creativity. Last week and this week the class used Breeze to have a real time discussion. Both times I was unable to attend and feel like I am at a disadvantage. This is an online class and specific time commitments were required, although I understand how the real time online discussion could be helpful.

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